Navigate the emotional & physical complexities of aging parents with an expert.

Savvy at every stage, age, and transition, it's my profound pleasure to condense the overwhelm, create an actionable strategy, provide superb coaching, and help your family implement a plan.

Book your 30-minute complimentary session

Certified Expertise

Certified Business Coach

Certified Nutrition Coach

Certified Holobody Coach

Certified Life Coach


Six Phase Meditation

Our Services

Whether your needs are on-demand, on-going, or you need informed support in making critical decisions about aging in place or making the move to assisted living, you have found a trusted partner to usher you through. If you are a Senior Living H.Q or a Community, there is no one more insightful and engaging to work with your teams and create immediate impact.

  • Expert Strategy

  • Actionable Implementation

  • Compassionate Coaching

  • Sophisticated Guidance

  • Dream+Culture Coaching

  • Realizing Full Potential

  • Harmony Not Headaches

  • Cultivating Compassion

  • Keynote Speaking

  • Corporate Training

  • Impact Initiatives

  • Inspired Action

  • Fulfillment

  • Access Inner Wisdom

  • Pursuit of Your Potential

  • Personal & Professional Strategy

  • Harmonize Your Life

How I Can Help

Senior Care Coaching for Families.

Specializing in Adult Children tasked with this massive responsibility.

Hi, I’m Tiffany and I have been where you are…I get it, I empathize with it, and I’m actively in the care-taking role of my dear dad, an Air Force Veteran myself. I started this coaching practice because I didn’t have me. “One fall changed it all” and brought about unforeseen intensity and lots of layers. This isn’t an undertaking you can accomplish by buying a few Amazon bestsellers, although I hope to have one out myself next year. No need to go it alone, no need to suffer through irreversible decisions, and tackle this as a solo-mission even if you are the only one in your family.

Family dynamics and unmet or differing expectations can also pose challenges and I am here to help process and spackle and can communicate across multiple family members with tangible insight. Learn how to speak your parent's language, minimize emotional undercurrents, and prepare by rightsizing, down to purposeful packing and managing cognitive decline. My approach is unlike what you typically find as I have spent 600 days caring for a parent across independent and assisted living communities, skilled nursing facilities, and hospice as well. On the other end of the spectrum, my dear mom and her 90-year old sweetheart are aging in place. Whether you are a “boots on the ground” participant in your parents’ care or will be quarterbacking out of state, I’ve got you.

Why Me

In many ways this journey is like a clown car. If you think of it as a series of to-dos and tasks it most certainly is not, it’s a marathon my friend. The best news is you have me and I will be your guide on this ride that might otherwise rock your world in unscalable ways. You are going to be ultra prepared and equipped up front. Know how to condense the enormity of this mammoth endeavor by following marching orders you would never have conceived. Heal wounds, find long lost answers, navigate painful landmines, and discover treasures you didn’t know existed that will warm your soul in unexpected ways right now in the process of caring for your aging parents. Most of all,  I aim to prevent all involved from having colossal clashes and emotional upheavals by setting your parents up for smooth transitions whether it be aging in place or in a community or facility by setting you up with an intentional guidance system designed to sustain long term adjustment into this new world. Stress less by beginning with their cognitive end in mind. Compassion is my compass and if it isn’t at all yours, you will especially appreciate how this through line will alleviate awkward rubs and will set you and all involved up for success in undergoing this intense endeavor.

None Like a Senior Care Coach



Knowing what to do, what NOT to do, when to do it, and how to approach it are the difference-makers.

Haste now, makes havoc later. Knowing how to properly assess any situation with your parents and knowing what you don’t know, yet need to know impacts everything.

Feel comforted by my 600+ days of hands-on experience shepherding my dad through his abrupt out of home departure, the packing & sale of his treasured golf cart & home, & his assimilation into independent living, skilled nursing, assisted living, and onto hospice. My mom is aging in place and I have a keen awareness of the differences and what matters most in each setting.

  • Create an actionable aging strategy beginning with ultimate decline in mind.

  • Prioritize what matters most & why.

  • Know how to speak your parents’ language & have fluid communication.

  • Identify camouflaged chronic illnesses that are decsion-making game-changers.

  • Process & manage family dynamics.

  • Make informed decisions

Corporate - Communities


Ditch the drudgery and revitalize your workplace culture by creating transformative work experiences.

Invite more impact, insight, and aligned engagement across your C-suite, exec team and employees. Experience marked fulfillment and elevated performance by cultivating more compassion by alleviating burden, mental clutter, chaos, frustrations with unmet potential, con-res, and counter-productivity.

Whether for your boardroom or backyard (your communities) there is harmony to be had at the helm and in your individual locations beginning with mindset shifts. Passionate productivity, remarkable resilience, and integration of your employees "WHY" and purpose are how my clients move from inspired insight to action. From here they are open to understanding what a Resident’s reality is all about and the invaluable role they play.

  • Immersive Team Development

  • Curating a Compassionate Dream-Culture

  • Speaking Their (Senior) Language

  • A Senior’s Reality as a Resident

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Pivot & Press On

  • Navigating Change

  • Productivity & Performance

    • Realizing Full Potential

Speaker & Trainer for hire Got your own agenda?

Tips from Tiffany

Invaluable insight in this one of a kind newsletter!